Officers of the Kitsap County Democrats (2024-26)

Chair:  Tom Slyter

Vice-Chair:  Brynn Felix

Treasurer:  Lynn Smith

Deputy Treasurer:  Rachel Agamalian

State Committee Person: Laurie Kadot

State Committee Person:  Shannon Turner

Secretary:  Chance Corey

Parliamentarian:  Beth Worthington

Sergeant-At-Arms:  Jeff Wiley


Board Members 

1st Commissioner District

Patrick Wright

Denita Santos Holmes

John Gustafson

Mary Bryant

Jeff Wiley


2nd Commissioner District

Donna Branch-Gilby

Anthony Otto

Diana Sullivan

Rebecca Marshall

Renee Hernandez Greenfield



3rd Commissioner District

Joyce Merkel

Jane Rebelowski

Katherine Woods

Adi Hayduk

AL: Vacancy


Ex-Officio Board Members

Immediate Past Chair of KCDCC Hannie Baxter • Val Torrens (23rd LD Chair) • Tom Slyter (26th LD Chair) •  Bob Gilby (35th LD Democrats Treasurer) • 23rd State Committee People Kathy Canderle & Daria Ilgen • 26th LD State Committee Person Jewel Shepherd-Sampson

Jo Fox Burr (KCDW President) • Chair-Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Jewel Shepherd-Sampson · Leiyomi Preciado (Young Democrats of Kitsap Peninsula Chair)