Invest in Washington Now
Big news! Lawmakers in Olympia have introduced 3 new bills, and each of them will take us one step toward fixing our upside down tax code and protecting funding for healthcare, education, and housing that Washingtonians depend on – but we need you to act.
Join us in signing in PRO for these bills and making your support known to the legislature! It takes 30 seconds for each bill. Here they are:
Sign In Pro for Healthcare Funding
- SB 5796 would raise $2.3 billion for health care, education with a payroll tax on big corporations with large executive salaries.
Sign In Pro for Education Funding
- SB 5797 would raise $4 billion for schools with a tax on the super-rich (about 4,300 mega-millionaires) with more than $50 million in stocks and bonds.
Sign In Pro To Close Tax Loopholes
- SB 5794 would raise $1 billion by closing tax loopholes for special interests such as gold bullion.
The deadline to sign in PRO is 3:00PM March 31st, so we’re encouraging everyone to take action RIGHT NOW. If you’ve never signed in PRO before, just follow these 3 quick steps:
- Click on the link to Sign in PRO for each bill listed above.
- Under “Position” – select PRO
- Enter your name and information
Washingtonians have made clear that we want to see our programs funded. When voters overwhelmingly defeated Initiative 2109 to cut school funding and give tax breaks to the rich, we made ourselves very clear. Now, it’s time to send a reminder of just how important this is to us.